If you’ve found yourself in the position of needing to pitch to win a new project, client or event to grow a relationship, you are likely to have asked ‘how can I ensure our message stands out from the competition?’ You want them to love you – right? What’s more, you want them to choose your business to be their partner.

Competition for client relationships is fierce, and will only continue as organisations become more selective about whom they want to partner with. So what can you do to ensure your pitch stands out from the rest?

Here are 5 tips that we have found to be hugely valuable when working visually with our clients:

1. Make it visual
Visual communication is extremely powerful – we would say that of course but it’s true. Every one of us is a visual thinker. Some of us think visually more than others and you will appeal to a wider audience if you consider how you can express your message using a combination of images and words.

5 ways to enhance winning sales pitch blog by Tom Russell

2. Make it personal
Do your research up front and show this in how you communicate. For example, using a range of elements such as client logos, corporate colours, products, location references and names will demonstrate that you have paid attention to important details. Aim to avoid using something that looks like it could have been used for other presentations as this won’t impress.

5 ways to enhance winning sales pitch blog by Tom Russell

3. Make it emotional
If you are demonstrating the benefits of a process or service to a client, remember to add an emotional element, such as how delighted this process will enable customers to feel (and also the negative emotions the service will eliminate). What will the end users of what you offer think, feel and do once they experience it?

5 ways to enhance winning sales pitch blog by Tom Russell

4. Make it memorable
Well designed slide decks with stock images are useful, however your client is likely to have seen many of these before. Seek to create something that no-one else has thought of. Ideas might include creative and fun client personas, a graphic of the utopia your client desires, or maybe a metaphorical image that really stretches their thinking.

5 ways to enhance winning sales pitch blog by Tom Russell

5. Make it engaging
Not only do you have the opportunity to convey your message using an innovative visual approach, you can also choose to use it differently in the meeting itself. For example, a large graphic printed onto boards is a powerful way of encouraging you and your client to gather round whilst you explain your offer. In this case you are already fostering a sense of “us” as you come close and explore together.  Alternatively, why not WOW your clients with live graphic recording right there in the pitch meeting – now that’s a way of making them feel special!

5 ways to enhance winning sales pitch blog by Tom Russell

About Inky Thinking …

The Inky Thinking team of graphic artists work with leaders and teams in global organisations to support client sales bids and pitches to provide a visually compelling competitive edge. Get in touch with the team via www.inkythinking.com or email hello@inkythinking.com or call +44 (0)333 567 2121.